Friday, March 27, 2015

Show Opener

I finished shooting the show opener last weekend (that little bit that plays before each episode and includes the titles.)  So, everything I need for now is in the can.  I'm working on visual effects now and putting the final touches on the sound.  It's getting close!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Episode 2 In the Can!

Episode two is in the can, as of today!  I've been working hard, trying to animate at least one day every weekend so I can finally start getting this project out there.  I still need to do a reshoot of the series opener which is only two shots.  Then there is a bit of After Effects works and sound to be done.  But it's coming along and will be released soon.  It won't be long before I officially announce the project and have the first two episodes ready to view!

The picture above is a shot of the stage while filming episode 2.  As you can see, judging by the size of the Exacto knife and the glue stick on the stage, I'm working with some fairly small parts and pieces as I animate.  Tweezers regularly come in handy when you're animating things this small. 

For now I've decided to hold off announcing a release date (just in case I don't have it done by then).  I want to make sure all is good and ready when I announce the show.  Stay tuned, great things are under way!